The only nonprofit media company focusing on the North American deserts, their environmental issues, and the people who work to protect them. Home to 90 Miles from Needles: The Desert Protection Podcast and more.

90 Miles from Needles: the Desert Protection Podcast

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About DAMN

The Desert Advocacy Media Network (DAMN) works to raise awareness, promote understanding, and advocate for the preservation and sustainable management of desert ecosystems. With a focus on environmental conservation, DAMN amplifies the voices of those dedicated to safeguarding deserts and their unique biodiversity. Through documentaries, articles, social media campaigns, and educational programs, DAMN fosters appreciation for the ecological significance of deserts and addresses pressing issues such as habitat degradation, climate change impacts, and the importance of responsible human interaction with these delicate environments. We work to unite diverse stakeholders, from scientists and conservationists to tribes and local communities, in a collective effort to ensure the long-term health and resilience of desert ecosystems for future generations.

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