Desert Nurses
In order to make it through its first year, a desert shrub seedling usually needs a little help: a bit of protection from the elements and from hungry jackrabbits. It needs a nurse.
Cacti, succulents, wildflowers, invasive exotic species
In order to make it through its first year, a desert shrub seedling usually needs a little help: a bit of protection from the elements and from hungry jackrabbits. It needs a nurse.
I don't mean to diss the scenic wonders and grand botanical oddities; they still call to me, and I answer as often as I can. But I don't need oddities nearby to have my mind blown by the desert. The commonplace will do that just fine.
There are a lot of dramatic and prominent plants in the deserts — towering Joshua trees, fierce bristling chollas, saguaros — but one of the most amazing plants in the…